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Saturday, September 8, 2012

vitamins their effectiveness,occurance,need,characteristics,daily need

vitamin a-main occurance:Cod-liver oil, liver, kidney, milk products, butter, yolk, as provitamine A in carrots
its effectiveness:Normal growth, function and protection of skin, eyes and mucous membrane
lack:Growth stop, night blindness
overdosing:Impaired visions, headache, nausea, vomitus, tiredness, skin change
increased need:Impaired visions, headache, nausea, vomitus, tiredness, skin change
characteristics:Impaired visions, headache, nausea, vomitus, tiredness, skin change
daily need :approx. 1 - 5mg

vitamin b1(thiamin)-Main occurrence:Wheat germs, wholemeal cereals, peas, heart, pork, barm, oatmeal, liver, brown rice
Effectiveness:Important for the nerve system, liver damage, inefficiency, pregnancy, mosquito protection (high-dosed), production of energy, affects the carbohydrates metabolism, important for the thyroid function
Lack:Heavy muscle- and nerve disturbances, tiredness, dyspepsias, dropsy, cardiac insufficiency, cramps, paralyses, prickle in arms and legs
increased need:Diet, youth, pregnant and nursing women, alcohol consumption, intake of birth control pill, antibiotics, chemotherapye
characteristics:Water-soluble, Thiamin gets destroyed by heat and long storage, but not by freezing. Daily intake of vitamin B1 is important, because the body can´t store B1, which comes over the food
Daily need:approx. 2mg (At carbohydrates-packed nutrition some more)

vitamin b2-Main occurrence:Milk products, Meat, wholemeal cereal, cheese, eggs, liver, sea-fish, green leafy vegetables, whey powder
Effectiveness:Important for body growth, untilization of fats, protein and carbohydrates, well for skin, eyes and nails, important energy bringer, oxygen transport
Lack:(rarely) skin inflammation, brittle nails, anaemia, callus attrition
Increased need:Pregnancy, intake of birth control pill and antibiotics, chemotherapy, fever, smoker, old people
Characteristics:Water-soluble, food with Vitamin B2 should be stored cool and dark.
Daily need:approx. 2 mg

vitamin b3(niacin,nicotine acid)-Main occurrence:Barm, peanuts, peas, liver, poultry, fish, lean meat
Effectiveness:Building and degradation of fat, protein and carbohydrates, good sleep
Lack:Skin and mucosa inflammation, headache, trembling, vertigo, sleep disturbance, depressions, feeling of prickle and deafness in the limbs
Increased need:Labor, fever, nursing women
Characteristics:Water-soluble, effect is outweighed by sugar and alcohol
Daily need:13 - 16 mg

Vitamin B5 (Pantothen acid)-
Main occurrence:Liver, cauliflower, champignons, wholemeal products, eggs, avocado, spinach, milk
Effectiveness:Skin deseases, loss in growth of hairs, liver damage, assists metabolism, carbohydrate and fatty acid activity, together with vitamin K it is needed for building up the clotting factors
Lack:States of exhausting, skin inflammations, muscular pains, hair loss, nausea Increased need:Intake of birth control pill, antibiotics and cathartics
Daily need:approx. 0,5 mg

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 6:41 AM


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