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Thursday, March 7, 2013

fungus disease or infection

                                       fungal infections

Fungal infections are infections caused by a fungus, a type of microorganism. Two common causes of fungal infections are a fungus called tinea and yeast infections caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Some very common types of fungal infections caused by tinea include:

Athlete’s foot

Jock itch


Common yeast infections, also called candida and candidiasis, can infect other areas of the body including:

Digestive tract (gastroenteritis)


Mouth (oral thrush)

Vagina (vaginal yeast infection, vaginal thrush)

In most cases, fungal infections are treatable in generally healthy people. However, these infections are more likely to occur and can be more difficult to treat in people with weakened immune systems due to such conditions as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or taking steroid medications or chemotherapy. In these cases, complications of fungal infections may become life threatening.

Recurring fungal infections can also be a symptom of a serious, undiagnosed, underlying disease, such as HIV/AIDS or diabetes. Seek prompt medical care for recurring fungal infections including vaginal yeast infections.

What are the symptoms of fungal infections?

Symptoms of fungal infections differ depending on the type and severity of the infection, the area of the body affected, and individual factors.
Symptoms of athlete’s foot

Symptoms of athlete’s foot include:

Itching of the feet

Scaling and flaking of the skin of the feet

Thick, yellowish toenails that detach from the nail beds if the fungus infects the toenails

Symptoms of jock itch

Symptoms of jock itch most often occur in men and include:

Itching of the groin area

Red, scaly rash in the groin area

Symptoms of ringworm

Symptoms of ringworm include:

Red, itchy area on the scalp, often in the shape of a ring

Hair loss in the affected area

Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the mouth

Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the mouth (oral thrush) include:

Lesions or sores that are raised, are yellow-white in color, and appear in patches in the mouth or throat and/or on the tongue

Sore, bleeding gums

Patches or lesions that become sore, raw and painful, making it difficult to eat or swallow

Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the vagina

Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the vagina (vaginal thrush) include:

Thick, white vaginal discharge that has a texture similar to cottage cheese

Vaginal irritation

Vaginal itching

Burning with urination

Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the digestive tract

Symptoms of fungal infections that affect the digestive tract (fungal gastroenteritis) include:




Recurrent fungal infections can be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as HIV/AIDS or diabetes. It is important to seek prompt medical care for repeated fungal infections, such as repeated vaginal yeast infections or oral thrush.

Different types of fungus cause a variety of fungal infections:

Athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm are caused by a fungus called tinea.

Most yeast infections, such as vaginal thrush, oral thrush, and fungal gastroenteritis, are caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. Fungus can also cause fungal infections of the lungs due to inhaled fungal spores.

Certain factors or conditions can result in an overgrowth of fungus in the body. These include:

Taking antibiotics. Antibiotics can kill off “healthy” bacteria in the body, as well as bacteria that cause disease. When antibiotics kill the healthy bacteria, the normal balance of microorganisms in the mouth, vagina, intestines, and other places in the body is altered, resulting in an overgrowth of Candida albicans or other fungi.

Having a weakened immune system due to certain conditions, such as HIV/AIDS or taking steroid medications or chemotherapy

Having high blood sugar due to diabetes, which provides food for Candida albicans and encourages its overgrowth

Fungal infections can also be passed from a pregnant woman to her infant during vaginal delivery or breastfeeding.

What are the risk factors for fungal infections?

A number of factors increase the risk of developing fungal infections. Not all people with risk factors will develop fungal infections. These factors include:

Being very young or very old

Douching or using feminine deodorants or scented tampons

Having diabetes

Having a weakened immune system due to such conditions as HIV/AIDS, or taking steroid medications or chemotherapy

Taking strong antibiotics, especially for long periods of time

Wearing tight-fitting underwear, thongs, jeans, or other pants if you are a female

Reducing your risk of fungal infections

You can lower your risk of developing or transmitting fungal infections by:

Avoiding douching

Cleansing the genitals daily with mild soap and water

Eating a well-balanced, healthy diet

Following your treatment plan for conditions, such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS

Getting early and regular prenatal care when pregnant

Not using feminine deodorants or scented or deodorant tampons

Not wearing tight-fitting underwear, thongs, jeans, or other pants if you are a female

Nursing women who have nipple discharge or pain should notify their provider so they can be examined for fungal infections of the nipples, which could be transmitted to the mouth of a nursing infant.

Changing tampons frequently

Seeking regular routine medical care

Taking antibiotics only when prescribed by your health care professional and finishing the medication exactly as directed

Wearing cotton underwear

prevention on fungal diseases

1.Wear flip-flops in public pools and shower areas. If you use the gym shower or go to the pool often, do not go barefoot in public areas. Doing so can cause foot, fingernail and toenail fungus.

2.Wear loose-fitting clothing. If you are prone to jock itch or tinea versicolor, a fungal infection of the skin, wear loose, cotton clothing that you can wear comfortably. Avoid dark, tight, polyester clothing.

3.Wear white cotton socks and change them daily. Do not reuse socks and underwear without washing, and avoid wearing socks to bed.

4.Spray your shoes with an anti-fungal spray as a preventative measure. If you wear athletic shoes or dark-colored shoes, spray them daily with an anti-fungal spray to prevent athlete's foot and toenail fungus.

5.If you feel itchiness on your skin or feet and think it might be fungus, apply an anti-fungal cream like Lotrimin as a preventative measure. Place a dime-sized amount of Lotrimin on the palm of your hand and rub it into your skin with your fingertips twice a day. Continue until the itching stops.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 6:07 PM


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